Package: torchvision

Daniel Falbel

torchvision: Models, Datasets and Transformations for Images

Provides access to datasets, models and preprocessing facilities for deep learning with images. Integrates seamlessly with the 'torch' package and it's 'API' borrows heavily from 'PyTorch' vision package.

Authors:Daniel Falbel [aut, cre], Christophe Regouby [ctb], RStudio [cph]

torchvision.pdf |torchvision.html
torchvision/json (API)

# Install 'torchvision' in R:
install.packages('torchvision', repos = c('', ''))

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9.75 score 65 stars 6 packages 313 scripts 2.2k downloads 22 mentions 70 exports 30 dependencies

Last updated 6 months agofrom:df06f28be4. Checks:8 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 14 2025
R-4.5-winOKFeb 14 2025
R-4.5-macOKFeb 14 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 14 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 14 2025
R-4.4-macOKFeb 14 2025
R-4.3-winOKFeb 14 2025
R-4.3-macOKFeb 14 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Base loaderbase_loader
Cifar datasetscifar100_dataset cifar10_dataset
Draws bounding boxes on image.draw_bounding_boxes
Draws Keypointsdraw_keypoints
Draw segmentation masksdraw_segmentation_masks
Create an image folder datasetimage_folder_dataset
Load an Image using ImageMagickmagick_loader
MNIST datasetmnist_dataset
AlexNet Model Architecturemodel_alexnet
Inception v3 modelmodel_inception_v3
Constructs a MobileNetV2 architecture from MobileNetV2: Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks.model_mobilenet_v2
ResNet implementationmodel_resnet model_resnet101 model_resnet152 model_resnet18 model_resnet34 model_resnet50 model_resnext101_32x8d model_resnext50_32x4d model_wide_resnet101_2 model_wide_resnet50_2
VGG implementationmodel_vgg model_vgg11 model_vgg11_bn model_vgg13 model_vgg13_bn model_vgg16 model_vgg16_bn model_vgg19 model_vgg19_bn
Display image tensortensor_image_browse
Display image tensortensor_image_display
Tiny ImageNet datasettiny_imagenet_dataset
Adjust the brightness of an imagetransform_adjust_brightness
Adjust the contrast of an imagetransform_adjust_contrast
Adjust the gamma of an RGB imagetransform_adjust_gamma
Adjust the hue of an imagetransform_adjust_hue
Adjust the color saturation of an imagetransform_adjust_saturation
Apply affine transformation on an image keeping image center invarianttransform_affine
Crops the given image at the centertransform_center_crop
Randomly change the brightness, contrast and saturation of an imagetransform_color_jitter
Convert a tensor image to the given 'dtype' and scale the values accordinglytransform_convert_image_dtype
Crop the given image at specified location and output sizetransform_crop
Crop image into four corners and a central croptransform_five_crop
Convert image to grayscaletransform_grayscale
Horizontally flip a PIL Image or Tensortransform_hflip
Transform a tensor image with a square transformation matrix and a mean_vector computed offlinetransform_linear_transformation
Normalize a tensor image with mean and standard deviationtransform_normalize
Pad the given image on all sides with the given "pad" valuetransform_pad
Perspective transformation of an imagetransform_perspective
Random affine transformation of the image keeping center invarianttransform_random_affine
Apply a list of transformations randomly with a given probabilitytransform_random_apply
Apply single transformation randomly picked from a listtransform_random_choice
Crop the given image at a random locationtransform_random_crop
Randomly selects a rectangular region in an image and erases its pixel valuestransform_random_erasing
Randomly convert image to grayscale with a given probabilitytransform_random_grayscale
Horizontally flip an image randomly with a given probabilitytransform_random_horizontal_flip
Apply a list of transformations in a random ordertransform_random_order
Random perspective transformation of an image with a given probabilitytransform_random_perspective
Crop image to random size and aspect ratiotransform_random_resized_crop
Rotate the image by angletransform_random_rotation
Vertically flip an image randomly with a given probabilitytransform_random_vertical_flip
Resize the input image to the given sizetransform_resize
Crop an image and resize it to a desired sizetransform_resized_crop
Convert RGB Image Tensor to Grayscaletransform_rgb_to_grayscale
Angular rotation of an imagetransform_rotate
Crop an image and the flipped image each into four corners and a central croptransform_ten_crop
Convert an image to a tensortransform_to_tensor
Vertically flip a PIL Image or Tensortransform_vflip
A simplified version of torchvision.utils.make_gridvision_make_grid